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Chapter 15: Ixia IRIG-B Auxiliary Function Device (AFD2)

The IXIA Auxiliary Function Device 2 (AFD2) provides the means for accurate worldwide timing using Inter-Range Instrumentation Group (IRIG-B) technology. The ADF2 decodes the GPS satellites and time information and sends out a pulse to the Optixia chassis. The IXIA /AFD2 is shown in Figure 15-1.

Figure 15-1. Ixia AFD2

The IXIA AFD2 with integrated IRIG-B is designed to provide 12.5 MHz GPS clock with a programmable 80 ns sync pulse to the Optixia chassis.

The Ixia AFD2 IRIG-B receiver is controlled by an Ixia chassis through a USB port. Chassis timing is provided by connecting the Sync Out of the AFD2 to the Sync In of the chassis. This configuration then enables the chassis to operate as a subordinate in a virtual chassis chain, with the Ixia AFD2 as the master.

Figure 15-2 on page 15-2 shows the AFD2 in operation with other chassis in a local chassis chain. Multiple local chassis chains can be collected through IRIG-B into a virtual chassis chain.

Figure 15-2. AFD2 in a Chassis Chain

The IxExplorer GUI displays the status of the IRIG-B interface to the user. Figure 15-3 shows the Chassis Properties dialog with status information. The connection is determined to be either locked or unlocked. In the Locked state, the chassis is locked to IRIG-B time within 150nS. In the unlocked state, the AFD2 IRIG-B hardware operates to lock its VCXO to 1PPS pulse.

Caution: A chassis connected to an AFD2 chassis does not operate properly if set to Synchronous time source, unless the sync cable is disconnected.

The process of generating the Lock status for the AFD2 consists of getting IRIG-B time lock and then synchronizing the internal clock to the IRIG-B 1PPS pulse. The AFD2 does not enter the `Lock' state until the VCXO lock condition is met. In the unlocked state, the chassis in the unlocked chain are not accurately time-synchronized to the rest of the chain.

In operation, once a chassis chain is constructed and the chassis are synchronized, you can clear the timestamps to provide a baseline time for all chassis in the chain. The chain operations are then locked until such time that the IRIG-B lock is lost by a member of the chain. Data sent from one port in the chain to another provides one-way latency measurements by subtraction of the transmit time stamp from the receive time stamp.

For large or very remote chassis chains, the chassis chain properties provide an offset delay. This delay is defaulted to 5 seconds. For chassis chains where the communication delays are significant, as in worldwide or large chains, a longer delay should be selected to allow for setup communication delays. The delay is the time of a particular chassis operation (for example, start transmit, stop transmit) plus the configured delay for any synchronous operation. When an operation for the entire chain is executed, this delay is added to the operation. A dialog opens indicating that the operation is in process when the delays are significant.

The chassis time is taken from any chassis with a IRIG-B interface attached. The setup for the chassis chain requires that all chassis in the chain be locked. This is indicated in the IxExplorer GUI.

The critical operation for a virtual chain is the reset of the System Time Stamps. All other actions are dependent on the synchronous execution of this operation. To reset time stamps for a IRIG-B-connected system, the reset operation needs to be executed for the chassis chain, and not for the individual chassis.

Figure 15-3.

Chassis Properties AFD2 - Time Source

Table 15-1. Chassis Properties, Time Source Tab
Time Source
B000 is straight TTL serial output (from the IRIG-B receiver)
B120 is amplitude modulation (AM) (from the IRIG-B receiver)
IRIG-B Status
Lock Status
Locked = locked to IRIG-B 1PPS input (from IRIG-B receiver)
UTC Time
UTC Time (display only) in HH:MM:SS comes from the IRIG-B receiver
Increments from 1 to 366
Control Flags
These are vendor-specific flags that are passed-through from the IRIG-B receiver
Straight Binary Seconds from 1 to xxx each day, starting at midnight. Resets to 0 each midnight.
FPGA Version
FPGA version

AFD2 Setup

The AFD2 Kit:

The AFD2 kit comes with cables and items required to install and connect the AFD2 in a lab. The AFD2 kit does not include the IRIG receiver and antenna for permanent installation at a particular site.

The kit contains these items:

The AFD2 installation uses the USB cable for communication and power. The Ixia chassis automatically detects the connections.

Successful IRIG-B Synchronization in IxExplorer

In the Chassis Properties dialog of IxExplorer, after selection of IRIG-B as the timer source, the IRIG-B status is displayed. In Figure 15-3 on page 15-3, the status is `locked' to the 1PPS signal coming from the IRIG-B receiver. In the chassis tree view of IxExplorer (Figure 15-4), the chassis status is shown as `IRIG-B Ready' if it has successfully locked onto the 1PPS signal.

Figure 15-4.

Chassis Tree View in IxExplorer

Enabling/Installing IRIG-B Based Synchronization

This procedure to set the time source needs to be followed only for the initial installation of the AFD2 IRIG-B unit. Thereafter, upon subsequent restarts, the chassis and AFD2 unit starts up fully operational.

  1. Set up the antenna and IRIG-B receiver (not supplied by Ixia).
  2. Connect the 1PPS and IRIG-B outputs from the IRIG-B receiver to the AFD2.
  3. Connect the sync and USB cables between AFD2 and the Ixia chassis. On the front panel of the AFD2,
    • the Pwr OK indicator lights solid,
    • the 1PPS indicator blinks to indicate the signal from the IRIG-B receiveris good, and
    • the Lock indicator lights solid.
  4. Start the chassis. After starting completely, the IxExplorer resource tree is displayed as shown in Figure 15-4 on page 15-4.
  5. Note the message regarding timing source, as shown in Figure 15-5.
  6. Figure 15-5.

    IxServer Start Log Before Attaching AFD2

Changing Time Source

Any time the clock source is switched, IxServer must be restarted. When the chassis is switched from Synchronous time source to IRIG-B, or vice-versa, the following message is displayed as shown in Figure 15-6.

Figure 15-6.

Time Source Change Detection Prompt

You are prompted to restart the IxServer. In this example, the time source was changed from synchronous to IRIG-B.

  1. Click OK and then manually restart IxServer.
  2. IxServer restarts, then detects IRIG-B as the timing source and configure the chassis as a subordinate, since the chassis is receiving its timing through sync cable from the AFD2 IRIG-B source. The expected IxServer log messages are shown in Figure 15-7 and Figure 15-8.

    Figure 15-7.

    IxServer Log - IRIG-B AFD2 Detected

    IRIG-B AFD2 is detected and COM6 port is indicated as the communication channel between chassis and AFD2.

    Figure 15-8.

    IxServer Log - Chassis Configured as Slave to AFD2

    The chassis is configured as a subordinate to AFD2.

Troubleshooting— IRIG-B Unit `Not Ready'

If, after completing installation by following the steps above, there is no IRIG-B information and the status is `Unlocked' in the Time Sources tab of Chassis Properties in IxExplorer (Figure 15-3 on page 15-3), then one of the following conditions needs to be corrected.

1PPS signal is not connected: check cabling between AFD2 and the IRIG-B receiver.

IRIG-B Mode B000 has been selected, but the IRIG-B receiver is sending B120 signal (or vice versa): change the selection in the Time Sources tab of Chassis Properties in IxExplorer (Figure 15-3 on page 15-3), and see if the status is corrected (`Locked') after a short interval.

Worldwide Synchronization

Two or more Ixia chassis connected to a time reference may be distributed worldwide forming a virtual chassis chain based on IRIG-B and/or CDMA timing. One possible configuration is shown in Figure 15-9 on page 15-7.

Figure 15-9. Worldwide Deployment of Synchronized Chassis

The ports on all of the chassis may be shared by one or more Ixia software users located likewise anywhere in the world. Where IRIG-B and CDMA sources are used, all of the sources must have good quality time values in order for the trigger to be transmitted.

Once the timing features of the chassis is configured, operating a worldwide set of Ixia chassis is the same as local operation. The Ixia hardware and software program the clocks such that they all send a master trigger pulse to all Ixia chassis, within a tolerance of �150 ns with IRIG-B and �100 us for CDMA.

Ixia chassis timing operates by resetting at a fixed time-of-day on all chassis from one source, and then maintaining the time accuracy through various different means. Table 15-2 on page 15-8 describes the full set of options available and their approximate relative accuracies.
Table 15-2. Summary of Timing Options
Available on Devices
Timing Option
Time of Day Accuracy
Frequency Source
Frequency Accuracy
All Chassis
150 nanoseconds from GMT
Ixia AFD2
Stratum 1
Ixia 100, 400T, 1600T
Internal PC clock
1 microsecond/second
Ixia 250
100 microseconds from GMT
Stratum 2
Ixia 100
CDMA in-built
100 microseconds from GMT
Stratum 2
Ixia 100
GPS in-built
150 nanoseconds from GMT
Stratum 1

Calculating Latency Accuracy for AFD2 (IRIG-B)

Use the following calculation for latency accuracy for AFD2 ( IRIG-B ) setups.

Latency A to B = Lab
Latency B to A = Lba
Transmit path A to B = T1
Transmit path B to A = T2
Time at A = Ta
Time at B = Tb
Time Absolute = T
Time Error at any site = Terr
Delta L = Lab – Lba
Delta L = Ta+T1-Tb – ( Tb+T2-Ta )
Delta L = T1-T2+2( Ta-Tb )
Delta L = 2(Ta – Tb)
If Ta = T+/-Terr and Tb = T+/-Terr
Delta L= 2(T+/-Terr – T+/-Terr)
Delta L= 2( |Terr|+|Terr|)
Delta L = 4Terr

Front Panel LEDs

The AFD2 has the following front panel LEDs:
Table 15-3. AFD2 LEDs
Indicates that the connection is enabled, and glows solid with USB activity.
Indicates that the `1 Pulse Per Second' heartbeat is being generated by the IRIG-B hardware.
Pwr OK
The AFD2 power has been validated.
Indicates that the internal PLL has locked to the 1PPS signal. Testing is invalidated if the IRIG-B Lock signal is not illuminated.

IXIA AFD2 Specifications

The IXIA AFD2 specifications are contained in Table 15-4 on page 15-9.
Table 15-4. Ixia AFD2 Specifications
9.6"x7"x2.9" ( with feet, 2.70" without feet)
3.15 lb
Avg. Shipping Wt.
6 lbs
Shipping Vibration
FED-STD-101C, Method 5019.1/5020.1
41F to 122F, (5C to 50C)
41F to 122F, (5C to 50C)
Worst case power = 2.5W
5V regulated source
0% to 85%, non-condensing
0% to 85%, non-condensing
IRIG-B Functionality
Bit rate is 100 pps and frame rate is 1fps for both code formats. 1pps pulse provides the precise time refrence.
DC level shift, pulse width coded with BCD, CF(control functions), SBS
1kHz carrier sine wave amplitude modulated with BCD, CF (control functions), SBS
12.5 Mhz GPS System clock
Pulse Width
80 ns
Rear Panel Switches
Reset switch
Front Panel Indicators
USB, 1PPS, Pwr OK, Lock
Front Panel Connectors
USB Port
Type B
Sync Out
Back Panel Connectors
BNC, IRIG-B code in
BNC, 1PPS pulse in
(not used) 2.0mm Power jack


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